Tired of Wasting Time Juggling Between Tools and Software?

Now you can simplify your tech stack and manage client communication with ease...
All from Your POCKET.

Pocket Biz Hub Simplifies Your Business

Pocket Biz Hub is your All-In-One Solution to manage your business from your pocket.

  • CRM - to manage client communication

  • Unlimited Invoicing with PayPal & Stripe Integrations

  • Unlimited Forms & Surveys

  • Unlimited Funnels & Websites

  • Booking Calendars

  • Automations & Workflows

  • Facebook, Instagram, Google Business and TikTok Integration

  • Website Chat Widget

  • And More!

Starting at $97/month

Pocket Biz Hub is for you if...

  • You are tired of wasting hours juggling between various tech and software

  • You want a single tool that handles nearly all of your business

  • You are ready to SIMPLIFY your business systems

Pocket Biz Hub is not for you if...

  • Love your complicated tech stack

  • Enjoy fixing broken Zaps and hunting down client emails

  • Have more time than you know what to do with and don't need to simplify and automate

Sarah Crosley

After years of running my own businesses and helping others not only build websites but understand the tools they are using to get the job done, I realized I was sitting on a wealth of knowledge and resources. Dozens of videos to commonly asked questions and a powerful all-in-one tool.

This is what sparked the idea of Pocket Biz Hub. Creating a single resource hub filled to the brim with everything I have shared over the past few years and a powerful all-in-one tool so that you can save time and energy knowing that you are ready to take your business to the next level.

Two Options to Save Your Sanity

Pocket Biz Hub, $97/month

or $997/year

  • Powerful All-in-One Platform to simplify your Business

  • Private 1:1 chat support channel

  • Access to Pocket Tech Coach Back Pocket Library

  • Discounts on 1:1 services with Sarah & Team TCB

Pocket Biz Unlimited, $997/month

or $9970/year

  • Pocket Biz Hub Platform

  • Private 1:1 chat support channel

  • Weekly Accountability Coaching

  • 1 Quick Chat Call per month (up to 2 hours)

  • 1 Work Date™ per quarter to help with launch

  • Access to all courses and workshops

What Others Are Saying

I can not sing Sarah's praises enough...

When I was hired as a lead integrator, I came into the role to complete a partially built framework in Go High Level while not having any previous experience with the platform. I've had experience with dozens of other platforms so I figured... how hard could it be!?

The learning curve turned out to be far steeper than I expected and then I had to also try and figure out how the previous person set up most of the funnels & workflows which weren't always working properly and figure out what was going on.

Having Sarah as a resource to support me every time I run into something I can't figure out has been invaluable!

Instead of wasting hours trying to google the issue or watching Youtube videos and still not knowing if I'm doing things correctly... she quickly answers my questions and provides clear, easy to understand instructions with lightening fast speed.

It's a thing of beauty to run into problems and not feel stressed out when they happen and immediately have the reassurance that I have Sarah in my back pocket to help me quickly and easily solve EVERY issue that I encounter. With having her support, not once have I felt overwhelmed from my lack of experience with all the complexities of GHL.

Not only has she helped problem solve, but she has also empowered me with gaining skills to solve issues more on my own as I'm learning more how GHL functions.

She has been an invaluable resource to our launch as I'm making sure that everything is running smoothly... it would have been a nightmare trying to do this all without her!

Anyone who wants to self-manage their platform and avoid the black hold of time sucking it can be trying to problem solve would immensely benefit from having Sarah as their go-to guru for Go High Level!

Alicia Caine

Lead Integrator for Stackt Digital

"It's a NO BRAINER.... That 5 minute exchange easily saved us 5 hours."

Stirling Gardner

"Sarah responds to me in my moments of need, when I feel I am ready to pull my hair out. Sarah is there. She is amazing and does not make feel ashamed for my lack of knowledge. She is always patient, kind, considerate and gets things done so fast."

Nicole Barkhordari

Therapist & Intimacy Coach

Pocket Biz Hub Support Guarantee

Pocket Biz Hub is a retainer service and all-in-one platform that is here to offer you support where you need it, help with tech and systems for your business

There are no refunds due to the nature of the service but you may cancel before the end of the billing cycle to avoid future charges.

Pocket Tech Coach is a support program that offers a library of videos and direct access to ask the questions you need answered.

The Creative Boss LLC || All Rights Reserved

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